Boreal Housing Foundation

Senior Supportive Living

High Level Supportive living for seniors

Senior independent living is a subsidized program for seniors that can live independently or with the help of some of the available community services. 

Fort Vermilion

Fort Vermilion Seniors Lodge

Pioneer Homes

Pioneer Homes is a seniors’ self-contained facility located in Fort Vermilion, consisting of 12 units.

High Level

High Level Seniors Lodge

White Spruce Village i

White Spruce Village is a seniors’ self-contained facility located in High Level, consisting of 9 units.

White Spruce Village II

White Spruce Village is a seniors’ self-contained facility located in High Level, consisting of 21 units.

High Level Supportive living for seniors

Mackenzie House

Mackenzie House is located in High Level, AB across from the hospital. Health care is provided by home care. The operating budget is funded by Mackenzie County, Town of High Level and the Town of Rainbow Lake.